Leland Qwest United Methodist Church is blessed to serve our community’s children and youth. Through intentional spiritual development activities, we make church a joyful and positive experience.

Our Nursery Nest Ministry (Ages 2 – 4) and Genesis Kids Ministry (Ages 5 – 10) partner with parents in the genesis/beginning of their child’s spiritual journey.  We offer Sunday worship activities that include songs, prayer, learning the books of the Bible, and how to apply the stories of the Bible to their lives through discussion and arts and crafts.

Our Qwest Connection Ministry  (ages 11 – 13) also honors a young person’s spiritual journey – guiding them on a special quest/qwest exploring their own personal relationship with God and leading to our church’s confirmation process – an opportunity to profess their faith and commit to live as a person of faith.  Youth learn what it means to be a Christian, what it means to be United Methodist, and how to respond to God’s call.

Our Journey Club for older teens (14 – 17) offers lessons, discussions, and activities that lead to a deeper connection with God as their faith journey takes them into adulthood.

We supplement Sunday worship activities with opportunities for fellowship and community service. But mostly we have fun learning about God!